Wild wild Weeds

Wild wild Weeds

Shot at Ysperklamm, Waldviertel.



The Ysperklamm in Waldviertel is buzzing with life in late spring.

Ripening Oranges

Ripening Oranges

The Andalusian orange trees bear their delicious fruits in summer, but it takes them a couple of months to fully ripen: harvest-time usually starts shorty after the first freeze in December – and that’s when supermarkets all over Europe are offering those cheap orange-buckets.

Bug on yellow Flower

Bug on yellow Flower

I shot this close-up of a bug on a yellow flower at Ysperklamm, Waldviertel.

Alpine Stinging Nettle

“I sting, therefor I’m a nettle,” she said. The younger plants are quite tasty, too.

Fly Agaric

A beautiful shroom, yet no ugly witch in sight.

A singled-out ant

Artistic Gymnastics Spider

I just so happened to stumble over this spider which, despite its pregnancy, trained hard for the insect fall olympics.

The Thistle and the Wasp

This bee was definitely enjoying its meal and didn’t even move when I almost touched its wings with my frond lens. In other words: nobody got stung during the making of this picture.

Alpine Ant

Carline thistle

Wild Balcony Flowers

Wild Balcony Flowers

Wild flowers just won’t grow in a pot – unless you’re my grandmother, whose balcony looks like a miniature version of an alpine meadow.