German the Cheesemaker

The cheesemaker

Some years ago, I spent a week at an alpine pasture in Vorarlberg. Farmer German and his family produce excellent cheese in a traditional way. In this picture the cheese-master is taking the fresh loaf to the cellar, where they ripen for a couple of weeks.

Petinos de Azucar – Andalusian Sweets

Petinos de Azucar

The taste of Andalusia – these sweets are typical of the region, and they taste even better than they look.

Ripening Oranges

Ripening Oranges

The Andalusian orange trees bear their delicious fruits in summer, but it takes them a couple of months to fully ripen: harvest-time usually starts shorty after the first freeze in December – and that’s when supermarkets all over Europe are offering those cheap orange-buckets.