Tech Natives: Artificial Intelligence / Cognitive Computing

Prof. Dr. Fumiya Iida

Thanks for inviting me – click here for gallery of all speakers.

Self Portrait with Pula

Self Portrait with Pula

Pula, 12 weeks old (no noses were hurt in the making of this photo *g*).

Dr. Christoph Leitl

Dr. Christoph Leitl is the president of the Austrian chamber of commerce – more pictures in the gallery.



Today we went for a little walk in the Viennese Woods and did an improvised “hair” shooting… more pictures here.

German the Cheesemaker

The cheesemaker

Some years ago, I spent a week at an alpine pasture in Vorarlberg. Farmer German and his family produce excellent cheese in a traditional way. In this picture the cheese-master is taking the fresh loaf to the cellar, where they ripen for a couple of weeks.

An Augarten Walker

An Augarten Walker

Vienna’s Augarten is enjoyed by the old and the young.

White Window Woman

Window into White

I shot this picture in Sevilla at high noon – at this time of day the Spanish sun turns the lime-painted houses into glittering buildings that bedazzle the few foreigners ignoring the sacred time of siesta. My camera’s sensor gave up on these extreme lighting conditions, and only by under-exposing the original picture (three full exposure stops), the lady and the window suddenly appeared, reminding me of “magic paper” used by children to communicate secretly.

The main reason why I like this picture so much though is because it proves a point: sometimes, technology works best when failing…

Alex Zerava at Work

Alexander Zerava

Alex Zerava, chef at Lutz Bar.

Alf Poier Sneak Preview

Alf Poier

Alf Poier is one of Austria’s most famous comedians. His new show will premiere at October 4th at Orpheum Vienna. Yesterday we joined him in Purkersdorf for the sneak preview of “Backstage”. I shot some freestyle-pics from the audience – this way for the complete Alf Poier album.