An Augarten Walker

An Augarten Walker

Vienna’s Augarten is enjoyed by the old and the young.


Gibraltar seaside Houses

Gibraltar, even though surrounded by Andalusia and the sea, is a British overseas territory, a tax haven and the top choice for rich Britisch old folks craving to spend their retirement years in warm, comfortable climate zone. The massive Rock of Gibraltar doesn’t leave too much space for housing – that’s why the city bears a strong resemblance with the famous computer game Sim City 2000. If you travel there, greet the monkey and tell them I’ll be back soon!

Augarten Walls

Augarten Walls

Augarten is one of Vienna’s largest parks – a beautiful historic location, which I happen to live nearby.

View from Florido Tower

Located at the “entrance” of Vienna’s 21st district, the Florido tower overlooks the whole city. I took this picture from the top floor terrace.

Merry-go-round at Prater

A beautiful old-school merry-go-round at Prater, Vienna’s famous amusement park.